I yearn for cool blue sea,
engulfing me in its ripples of current...
no froth and foam,
just the deep to sink me under..
I yearn for glimpses of tiny bubbles rise as I fall,
carrying the words I would never say,
a whisper of air free to break surface..
I yearn for the nose of a dolphin,
nuzzling me, tapping on my awareness of the light-lit sea...
the clicking sound a music to me...
in the deep lost sea...
and I see my legs arms, hair, body...
gliding ever slowly down the smooth water,
more like a fairy mermaid being carried back to bed below the breathes of deep sea eels..
minus the pressure that I would feel,
as I descend the thing that feels empty and transparent...
as clear as air, but yet touches so gently....
I yearn the smell of sunlight mixed sea water...
the warm touches that give ever lasting hope...
to flesh as fragile as fish and bones...
preserve in mid depth where no scavangers could reach...
nor cold slicing ship bodies~
and I will with all my might, try the impossible buoyancy,
of living in between...
the worlds of cold and warm...
and be a lukewarm being...