Sunday, May 31, 2009


Ignorance = naive= knows nothing about...
Well, most of us know, ignorance is a serious problem if we want to survive in the society...
Ignorance in a small kid is called naive = not knowing completely or entirely the world outside the safety zone called home...
ignorance in politics if you are a political leader is unforgivable...
if you are a member of the grassroots, it matters or not depends on individual opinions (maybe most choose to care not)...
basically, ignorance in general knowledge is growing in the younger generation...
chances of being manipulated, puppeted, and cheated are high...
lots of happenings around give us lessons, lessons that we must learn in order to survive...
sometimes pretending to be ignorant is not an ignorant decision at all, it indicates that you are alert...
alert in the matters happening around you, thus keeping a safe distance from whatever it is as it might bring harm, unhappiness, evil upon you...
being ignorant doesn't mean that you are really are deceiving others only...physically... emotionally, mentally not in every aspect... as you yourself know, god knows and maybe some who are in your circle know...
learning the ways of being a street wise person through the ignorant ideology...
many did quite successfully in gaining what they want through this way...
Thus, be ignorant when you are alert isn't a bad idea after all...

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