Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fire Drill...Very lame...

The day before yesterday, we had a fire drill session in the middle of the night...It was not a shock for me as I was still awake...My roommate really got the shock of her life...She was sleeping soundly when the siren rang...That made her jump high out of her bed, taking off her jacket (She couldn't recall why she was doing that)...She rushed to wear her long pants and together we 'run' out of the room...Other hostel dwellers were seen running to the staircase not because they were scared or feel panicked...They looked excited chatting away and shouting to each other as they decended the stairs...

My roomate and I were not rushing so much after rushing out to the corridor...I even went back to lock the door after walking half way towards the staircase...It's actually no big deal...

Half an hour's time was spent down stairs checking for any absent ones who were still in their rooms trapped deep in their dreams....I had a few bites from hungry mosquitoes at the carpark where we had gathered that night... I conclude this fire drilling practice does not reflect the actually situation when fire breaks out...Most of us even have time to answer the call of nature before 'escaping' from the hostel....

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