Thursday, August 19, 2010

Check - ups...

Every time i check my soul, it is full of mist and morning dew...
The veins pump refreshing air into the space spinning the stars around like turbulances in the milky way...
The velvet colour that streams across the starry night like shooting stars which give heart attacks...
The Orion, Big Dipper and Little Dipper swim across the atrium sky...
brightest across the reddish radiant...
The Scorpion hangs so harmlessly upside down the streaks of blue...
The Capricorn is even harder to spot as it glides across the slippery tissue, riding on a Red Dwarf's aurora...
Yet, as what the Stone Eater in the Neverending Story said... The land we fantasized is gradually engulfed by the Nothingness... In this case, perhaps the Black Holes are joining, the force of nothingness which even the cosmic rays from the sun could not escape... A force so strong that it is impossible for the scientists to calculate... The vacuum within sucks emptiness out of the bountiful...
I've checked a hundred times...Only after the mist cleared have I finally find out that it is empty...

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