Monday, August 15, 2011

Snow...or They are just frozen teardrops?

The wind howled loudly...
It tried to rip the leaf - ripped twigs...
It tried to sweep open flower pods (to sprinkle some tang of winter gust)...
My coat wrapped around me... though the howler couldn get me...
My heart was as cold as the crystal ice ball...
My cracks frozen in there... patiently waiting for spring to tickle in...
Evening stars hidden among the snowy ash cloud...
Enlightening it, a veil of multicoloured rainbow...
Engulfing the dullness, shoo-ing it away...
Escaping the nets of hanging rain cloud...the iced teardrops fluttered to the ground...

It is a wonder, a pure downpour of iced teardrops from the sky as it shivered from the howler...
It cried in fear, as the warmth of the flaring golden silk ball could not be reached...
The sneaky cloudy nets had trapped it beyond reach...
Thus the sky cried for the first time in  years...
In which people stared pointing to the sky with awe, screaming: "It is snowing!!!"

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