Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Farewell for the Last Time...

It was quite a successful occasion... although there are some grubs nuisance and the several lighting problem... Well done Tesolians! we did a great job to honour the seniors the farewell that they deserve... It was one wonderful night although it is held in a not so grand venue...But we made it look grand... that's the most successful element of all...

My table even won the lucky draw!!!

the final result of our masterpiece

i personally like this picture very much...^^
Miss Nenny told me something that I'm not very certain whether i heard it correctly or wrongly... it's quite hard to believe, i feel like I'm in a dream but not the nightmarish type... it's the opposite way round...yet, she just give hints...saying that she'll tell tomorrow... Atiqah gave us the certain answer that we longed to know for the past few weeks, so the rumours that fc 2 does not have failures in all subjects is true...Yeah!!! Congratulations to all my classmates...We did it!!!^^
The cleaning up process will start tomorrow morning at 9am... the hardest part would be tearing down the decorations that we had done so nicely... everything will be gone tomorrow...such a short period of existence... what a pity... Yet the process of completing it is one memorable experience which is hard to forget... Bye bye seniors!!! hope to see you guys soon in NZ... ^^

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