Friday, September 23, 2011

SA week

Admiring people is always the case, but being admired? nope, rarely or none at all i guess.... So i join this event held by my residence hall. It is a very popular one. Many joined. I was just being curious, and delighted to take up the chance to meet new people... It was great fun because you get to admire a person without letting him/her know you while you are being admired by another person whom you do not know. This is still going on as the whole event will end on Sunday. My admirer was sweet~~^^ This is what I get, though it isn't as posh as some of the other admirers, my admirer really puts in effort to 'admire' me. Some admirees did not even get anything, i guess their admirers were not bothered.. Well, why join if they are not bothered... Hmmm....

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Admired? to admire?

I have just joined the secret admirers game held by my residence hall. It is fun doing things and garnering my imaginations to create things of happiness. And it is also pure bliss as i got lovely notes from my SA too... With lovely mini letters and sweetest quotes... He has put in quite a lot of effort i guess.. it is fun to explore this expects of university life.

the admirer bows,
with lovely vows,
that sending me the sweetest owls,
is a matter of the prettiest 'hows'

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hailing.... Inhaling the breathe of that minute...

Hail fell again today... They knocked at my window as they fall... A new way of greeting me in the morning... Every single bump is no flutter... They rapped.. like fallen beads on the pavement... rolled and tumbled down wishing that they would float in mid air... One of my friend comment 'ice droplets from sky'... I wonder whether they are pretty when they touch the ground... or smashed like glass pieces on a stone cold hindrance... or on heads or poor passerby with anxious faces...the gleam of some hail jumping off building cliffs, like peppermint rock sugar thrown from a children's fight... Leaves of the shady trees.. it must be hard for sudden chills and painful jabs rain down the misty lines from above... tearing all the hard woven veins which collects the pure tear droplets from the sky.. a sign of refusal from the sky, saying no.. you shouldn't collect my teardrops let it sink into the roots and bring life to you there... And there you will feel my presence... the sky in the soil...   

Friday, September 16, 2011

Sky... couldn't stay that long anyway...

Yeap, because humans are meant to be 'down to earth'...lolzzz... peek in through the imaginary birds' eye...
view... liliput's rainbow footprints all over the bluish garden patch...^^

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What is learned...

Much is learned:

to lead the right way - individuals who do not know how to cultivate willingness to learn.

to encourage - individuals who are willing to learn but have yet to achieve the goals

to instill awareness - inviduals who are not willing to learn (as they do not have a purpose to trigger their willingness)

to enhance and instill humbleness - individuls who have achieve competence but have yet to learn the true meaning of their own willingness to learn and not taking for granted of the positive situation that they are in.

to nurture and cultivate higher levels of development - individuals who have realised the true meaning of learning and are willing to learn (these are people who can have the impact on the three other categories of people mentioned earlier)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Rugby World Cup...

Not a very convincing opening ceremony... Now i know what fans of the rugby team of their country will do... Screaming all along the road... but their painted faces were rather cool... Experienced the feeling of being squashed in the crowd... serious damage to my poor tummy... lolzz...

but, yea... major event in this country with magnificant fireworks display at night...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Gust of wind,
below the rim,
forcing the dream,
to explode with gleam,
filled with stars and moon lit beam...
a wishing well under the willow tree grin,
offering me a flattering drink...
quench the thirst of the spirit so dim...
filled me chérie up till the brim...

Monday, September 5, 2011


It is easy for the wings to flutter,
the cherries to ripen,
the sea to calm,
the breeze to cool,
the ducks to waddle,
but  why, not the oars to row?

It is easy for birds to sing,
the caterpillars to metamorphorsize,
the bees to hum,
the lions to roar,
but why, not the fish to leap?

It is easy for people to dream,
for people to connect,
for people to get comfort,
for people to be loved,
but not me...?

Why is it after so many years,
the scenario remains the same,
i've tried hard to change,
i've sheared tears in silent,
i've done everything to avoid,
but it is still unavoidable...

why is it so hard to protect, to cover,
to keep the outrage from tearing the warmth, the comfort  which i had once upon a time...
it is so hard, so hard for me to express...
as I must swallow it,
although it is like a cancer,
malignant cells spreading...
i must still swallow it,
swallow it whole,
a rotten time bomb in my body,
a reassuring smile on my face...
or is it a deceiving one...?
I do not know...
because currently, I'm bursting, bursting to tell the untold...
yet, the untold will remain, ticking away my life till death comes...
tucked in my tinted porcelain form...
cracks that i've cemented, cemented it..smoothen, repainted...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Cirque du Soleil... Superb... It just matches in resonance....

Cool acrobatics, mimes, and dance performance which really captives me... My child in me lives on... it is so fasinating with all the abstract performances and the wonderful effects it created which is fantasy type of life... If i could i would also want to live in there... Life in reality is sometimes tough... So we must always be tougher to cope with it... But when we are tired of it, we need some form of magical place, where you can believe what truly lies in it which you could depend on... it is the safety of dependancy in dreams that makes reality exciting... An irony isn't it?