Saturday, April 28, 2012

What drives on time...

A flicker of candle,
a waver of dandelion heads full with puffy seeds...
the howling of wind,
the lapping of waves...
as time stretches, the more reasons, the more drives which drags us to live on, to stay on...
friends, families, foes, and special ones weaved relationships which keeps us going in life...
What is there to live for if there is not a reason to live?
Life grows where there is a reason to live...
Sometimes expectations are good...
they give reasons to live on...
to live on a meaningful life...
a reasonable life which could make other people's life as meaningful as ours too...
the ceasation of life, that is when the purpose in life is served whether it is an ideal one or not,  achieved through a rightful way of life or the other way round,  life is a hope for repentance...or a chance for others to repent...
life is just, just as life is moving on...

Monday, April 23, 2012

Another opening...

Autumn opens the doors of pretty reddish - yellow footprints all over the ground... Fluttery as wings, gently laid on the surface... Swirling wind chiming around them... Bringing in peaceful evenings where strolls are missed...
The moltar is heated with prints too... the sign of hustle as the halls come alive again... Listening to the tune of a song which is ironically entitled 'the city where autumn never reached'... It was as peaceful as the land where autumn is born... Little pleasures are hard to come by now... As life walks along the four seasons repetitively, appreciation for little events which make the heart glow is very much anticipated...
All my life I have never felt so blessed... People who love me, and the addition of someone specially dear to the heart... Cries of baby nieces over skype made my day... I live not just for myself but for the life itself... It is great to be alive...

Saturday, April 21, 2012


'The A Team' song runs repetitively on my laptop... It is such a sad little song which sounds so peaceful and quiet at the same time... It brings up all the sorrowful feelings in me... Maybe I like the sorrows in nature... It feels so nice listening to it... There are so many untolded stories which underlies this song... There's something powerful that keeps pulling me to it...   

Friday, April 20, 2012

Timeless vacuum....

This is what I came across while browsing through the pages.. I had to rub my eyes a few times before I could believe what I saw... Seriously... Stopping the time literally??? What madness is this... Time does not stop, it just 'stop' in that particular space of delusion while the clocks in the rest of the world tick away the used time spaces... Stopping the clock doesn't mean you stop time..time can never be stopped... only people who are delusinated live happily in the 'suspension of time'... stopping the clock just meant that you disconnect the machine from the power source... It is as such, a simple thing to achieve....  The shocking ways of how people thought they could control worldly matter...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Ever since I learn to appreciate the veils above...
I marvel at its ever churning splendour of motions...
the streaks, and breezy sketches
where peace is found...
residing at the upside down pool...
the dreams, the life...
where life thrives...
there will be the awe of emotions...
the sudden surge of energy to appreciate and be grateful...
for what we have is going to be what we had,
and in that we had the chance to owned it once in a life time...

Friday, April 13, 2012

Missing my wings...

They flew over the hills and played with the bumble bees...
No, to be exact, they helped the bumble bees collect their nectar....
to prevent the population wipe out phenomena...
My wings grew stronger... flapping away in the distance, while I silently waited for them to come back...
It is the lost, the bittersweet lost which I hope is momentary... I couldn't take the absence of my wings, though once I could survived without them..
I missed them badly... those wings which granted me the pleasure of feeling the wind flow beating in my chest...
flutter, flutter...
Please come back soon, I could not bear to lose these wings...
I have put too much of my fondness in them...


少些什么。。。 没那么天真了。。。


Saturday, April 7, 2012

A Tapping...

Which is worse? Being picked or picked...
picked and dumped make a vase smell of spring...
days are numbered before, the stem grow all yellowish brown...
the warm becomes the brittle..
threatening to tear....
at the slightest touch...
I could not bear something pure... that is rotten...
as rotten as the dead leaves on the stem....
the cool air blew... the horror of smelling a delightful smell..
which in fact is mere poison...
what is there to the petal...
as white as it seems, as dangerous as it smells..
and yet it pleaded innocence...
such insolence....

Sunday, April 1, 2012

of transparent wings...

it soared high...
winter leaves circling below...
bits of ice and rainbow...
blossoms of cloudy flowers spread like foams across invicible floors...

the wind was so much fun up here...
everthing and anything feel like snowflake throwing confetti...
the joy oof flapping when everything can be seen...
through the transparent sun caught wings...